SM045 – Field Day is Coming!!!

Here comes the Amateur Radio Superbowl! This year, the weekend will be June 22-23, 2024. Field Day is where tens of thousands of amateur radio operators get on the air to test their emergency operation abilities. It’s also a great place to teach or learn about amateur radio modes that you may not have tried. “Bring someone to Field Day” this year and share your passion. More information about ARRL’s Field Day is available online at You can also find a local Field Day on the ARRL site by logging in and visiting Publicize your local Field Day site by adding a station at, and you’ll be on your way!

ARRL Digital Systems

In case you’re concerned about the digital outage at ARRL-land, there’s some background at Systems are starting to come back online. The phone system was restored last week, W1AW started automated operations, ARRL store orders started shipping last week, ARRL FCC tests were uploaded last week, and the site came back online for the upcoming VHF contest and the ARRL International Digital Contest (others to be backfilled.) Logbook of The World (LoTW) and the learning site are still offline.

Ham Holiday – Oklahoma City – July 26-27

The 2024 Hamfest season is in full swing. The Oklahoma City Hamfest, Ham Holiday, will be July 26-27, 2024. Tickets are available online at Don’t forget this year’s special Yaesu FTDX10 Operating Package. Everything you need to operate on phone, CW, and digital (except a computer<G>.) Tickets are only $20, and only 300 will be sold. Buy yours today at

ARES Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is rolling through another storm season. More information is available online at Log in and verify your contact information and training profile by clicking on your name in the upper right. ECs, you now have a way to download your county data in a CSV file from the reports menu.

de N5HZR — 73, Mark

SM044 – ARRL Digital Infrastructure Issues

You may have heard of some issues the ARRL has with its digital network infrastructure. This message won’t contain any new information, however, based on the public reports provided on, I will try to summarize what’s out there. You may know my training and forty years of “day jobs” are in Computer Science and IT Management. I’ve seen many of these situations and found that these are typically temporary issues. Let’s call them digital speedbumps. Just like driving through a suburban street with physical speed bumps, going too fast can cause additional problems when encountering the next bump.

From the ARRL disruption page, I know this is a network-related computer system outage. While the IT Manager in me wants to see how this started and what devices are involved, none of that matters to those on the outside. I also read that the Logbook Of The World database is secure but offline. That’s good news for the “big picture” of us external users. The ARRL Learning Center is also offline. There isn’t any status update on that system. Finally, they have asserted that no personally identifiable information (PII) is stored on-site. Should any information have been shared with external sources, we would be comfortable knowing any PII would haunt this issue. Job 1 for this rebuild is to find, obtain, and verify the required user and system data. Fortunately, the website is fully functional.

While there may be structured locations like file servers and databases where users should store their data, most users have bad habits of storing information on their local systems. Sorting through all of these storage locations can complicate any recovery. Then, the old infrastructure must be “burned down” and rebuilt. In today’s modern society, much information is required to run the world. Remember that this is a business, and things like payroll, banking, and accounts payable must start back up quickly so employees and vendors get paid.

These events highlight the need for a business continuity plan for your business and even your personal information. Should something like this happen at your house, would your information be retrievable? Are your QSO logs (and other vital data) stored safely and off-site?

The ARRL has a web page dedicated to this situation. As time passes, you should see additional updates here: Remember that discussions may be limited due to “bad-guy awareness,” future prosecution, or lack of new information.

Rest assured, your Oklahoma and Texas Section Managers and the West Gulf Division Directors are as engaged as we can be. If you are not in Oklahoma or Texas, please contact your Division Directors to ensure they are working to mitigate this issue.

This is a reminder that “When all else fails, amateur radio is there.” We are 160,000 hams that are still connected by the ionosphere. Grab your microphone, CW key, or FT8 mouse, and get on the air. (Hang on to your QSO logs and update them when the dust settles.)

SM043 – Checotah Hamfest Today

Crossroads Amateur Radio Club (CARC) presents:

2024 CARC Ham Fest

The Checotah, OK hamfest is scheduled for Saturday, January 6, 2024. The doors will be open from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Start your year off right at the CARC Ham Fest

This year’s hamfest will be held at the Granite Station Covenant Church – 1128 White Stag Ave –  Checotah, OK 74426. Directions here

  • $10 at the door includes one door prize entry.
  • Extra door prize entries are available for $2 each or 6 for $10.
  • $20 vendor tables also include one door entry.
  • $15 individual tables.

Preorder your table/tickets at


10:00 Oklahoma Link & Wires-X AE5ME

11:00 ARRL N5HZR ARRL Oklahoma Section Manager

See you there!

SM042 – The Board is Back In Town

A message from our West Gulf Division Director, John Stratton N5AUS. Our Oklahoma/Texas leadership supports this Motion. However, they are currently in the minority. Feel free to contact the leaders that John lists below and contact your friends outside the region so they can review this information and take appropriate action:


“No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the Legislatureis in session.”                       A centuries old truism often attributed to Mark Twain — it isapplicable to any elected organization with the power to alter the livesand rights of others — public, private, or governmental — includingthe ARRL Board of Directors.        While the Agenda for the Board Meeting is always published before aBoard meeting, the many motions to be considered by the Board haverarely ever been published before a Board Meeting. The most recent andnotorious exception occurred before the January 2018 Board meeting whenthe Executive Committee and Lisenco motions intended to juice the 2017“Code of Conduct” were leaked to the general Membership. Theoverwhelming Membership outrage resulting from the unintentionaldisclosure was instrumental in the punitive proposals being withdrawn.The 2017 Code of Conduct was itself overturned by a newly elected Boardin January 2019.     The Members’ voices were heard — and their wishes werehonored.     It is my belief, that of a small minority of Directors, and ViceDirector Lee Cooper’s, that the Members should be permitted to haveadvance notice of the substantive matters to considered by the Board ofDirectors at its meetings.     To that end, the West Gulf intends to publish to its website thesubstantive motions scheduled to be considered at the January Boardmeeting and subsequent meetings.     It is our intent to discuss each known January 2024 motion in aseparate email, although we will publish to the website each motion asit becomes available.     At present, there are three known motions. The Agenda for theJanuary Board meeting and each of these three motions are available forreview and download at:        first motion we wish to discuss is the:   Motion To Honor Membership Contracts        In July 2023, the Board voted to raise the annual dues from $49 to $59and to eliminate the delivery of a printed copy of QST or On The Air,effective January 2024, unless a Member paid an extra $25/year.        The West Gulf Division, the Atlantic Division, the SoutheasternDivision, and the Southwestern Divisions voted against both proposals,but the two proposals passed by an 11-4 vote.        While a dues increase was long overdue and actually needed, the WestGulf Division voted against it because it was tied to the termination ofthe delivery of a printed copy of QST/On The Air unless a Member paid anextra $25/year.        The four divisions argued it was a breach of the ARRL’s legalcontract with those Members — both annual memberships and 3-yearmemberships — to terminate their promised printed copy of QST/On TheAir before their membership contracts expired. The membershipapplications in use at the time promised, in writing, the delivery ofQST/On The Air magazines by “standard mail.”        Besides the risks attendant upon a breach of contract, Article 11 ofthe ARRL Articles of Association prohibits the Board from terminating orreducing the rights of any Member. The stripping of the delivery ofprinted copies of QST/On The Air from unexpired Memberships constitutesa reduction in the rights of the affected Member.        Both the Membership Application and Article 11 are promises — and theLeague should stand on its promises. That is the reason we have filedthe Motion To Honor Membership Contracts.        The ARRL is a membership organization, and the opinions of the Membersare important.        I have been asked by each of the West Gulf Division Section Managers— NTX SM Steve Smith (KG5VK), STX SM Stuart Wolfe (KF5NIX), WTX SMDale Durham (W5WI), and OK SM Mark Kleine (N5HZR) — to share that theyeach support the Motion To Honor Membership Contracts.     If you believe the Motion has merit and it should pass, it would beimportant for you to share your support for the Motion with the ARRLPresident, Rick Roderick, and the other Directors. All of their emailaddresses can be found on Page 15 of QST or at . If you choose to share your views,please be respectful — we choose to disagree, but need not bedisrespectful.John Robert StrattonN5AUSWest Gulf Division DirectorLee H. CooperW5LHCWest Gulf Division Vice Director

SM041 – Ham Scholarships Available

Each year the ARRL Foundation awards scholarships to deserving amateur radio operators from the funds that they manage. Scholarships range from $500 to $25,000.

Now is the time to act for any Senior in High School or any college student returning next fall. The ARRL Foundation Scholarship application period for the academic year 2024-2025 opened on October 30th, 2023, and ends on January 10th, 2024. Do this NOW, before the holiday season gets too hectic.

The descriptions of the many scholarships available are online.

It is also effortless to apply as the scholarship application is online.

Since only amateur radio operator students may apply, the chances of being selected for a scholarship are good. It would be a shame for our Oklahoma students to miss this opportunity. In recent years 10’s of thousands of scholarship dollars have been received by Oklahoma students.

Since 1973, the ARRL Foundation, with the generosity of many donors and the hard work of a long line of dedicated Foundation Directors, has positively impacted the lives of many young amateur radio operator students. Being awarded an ARRL Foundation scholarship could mean the difference in whether a student can pursue their education in 2024-2025 or not.

Make sure every amateur radio operator student in your area knows this is available, and start that application process TODAY! And, if they need a reference, please be sure to contact me, N5HZR.


Amateur radio clubs are the backbone of the hobby. The tremendous local hams have good information, and as Elmers or mentors love to share it. Send something that your club is doing well to me, and I’ll feature your club in this newsletter. Most clubs have seen an increase in new member activity during the pandemic. Our Oklahoma Affiliated Club Coordinator, Jim Shideler W5JCS, can help you find a club or help your club become affiliated. We currently have 38 clubs listed at Look for a club near you, or verify that your club is on the list. Send Jim an email at if you need club assistance.

You can find ARRL Oklahoma Section all over the web at:



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73, de N5HZR — Stand by, more follows…

SM040 – Tulsa/Rogers SET 2023 Comm Plan

By Paul Teel WB9ANX Tulsa Emergency Coordinator and Jeff Scoville AE5ME

Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Tulsa and Rogers County volunteers.  We are less than one week away from the annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on October 7th.  Operations will begin at 0900L time.

The two documents that you will need, the ICS-205 communications plan (pages 1 and 2), are available at The planned participation is growing in Oklahoma, and we encourage you to join in. We also have stations from international locations, including Germany and the Philippines.

In Tulsa or Rogers County

  • If you are in the local Tulsa market, please check in to the staging net on 145.110 at 0900.
  • Advise Net Control if you are.
    • Operating on emergency power,
    • Have Winlink or NTS message traffic,
    • Are available for additional assignments (meaning you are not a check-in only).  You will be given instructions on what to do next.

Outside of Tulsa or Rogers County

  • You may not be able to reach the 145.110 staging net.
  • If so, you can still participate in the exercise in the following ways;
    • Check-in with the Net Control Operator (NCO) on DMR talk group 3140 (statewide)
    • Check-in with the NCO on Oklahoma Link talk group 314022
    • Send a Winlink message to Jeff Scoville.  Address it to AE5ME in Winlink.  You can send that message via FM on any Winlink gateway near you (145.03 statewide or 145.04 in OKC).
    • Send a Winlink message to Jeff AE5ME via HF.  Frequencies are in the ICS-205.

This is a very ambitious project and would not be possible without the ARES Tulsa Team—many thanks to them.

  • Jeff, AE5ME (Winlink NCO)
  • John, N9JYJ  (Winlink NCO)
  • Ray, K5CFY (Rogers County Operations NCO)
  • Ian, KC9THI (Tulsa County Operations NCO)
  • Russ, KF5UZG (Staging NCO)
  • James, KI5DAZ (Tulsa Emergency Management Agency NCO)
  • Greg, AI5HV (DMR 3140, Okla Link 314022 NCO)

SM039 – Tulsa County ARES Simulated Emergency Test

Submitted by Paul H. Teel WB5ANX, Emergency Coordinator - Tulsa County

ARES Tulsa County will conduct the annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on Saturday, October 7, 2023, from 0900 – 1200.  We will have multiple ways for everyone to participate in Tulsa and Rogers Counties and around the state.

The objectives are to test communication skills during emergency power conditions, Net Control Operations (NCO) management of resources, stress accuracy in message passing, and to have some fun, all with a scenario ripped from recent headlines.

Included in this year’s SET;

  • VHF/UHF FM operations,
  • Simultaneous operations on various nets requiring multiple NCO’s,
  • Joint exercise with Rogers County,
  • Winlink and NTS message traffic (multiple nodes for access, also HF operations for long haul),
  • DMR on talk group 3140 statewide,
  • Oklahoma link (which is also available on DMR TG 341022),
  • Hospital Net (Tulsa only),
  • Pilot programs of new ways to send digital pics of damage assessments to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) (if you are interested in this mode, let me know)
  • Using ICS and NTS forms.

How do you prepare?

  • To participate in the Winlink portion of the exercise, email Jeff Scoville AE5ME, at by September 29.
  • Check your equipment and software to prepare you for Winlink and NTS message traffic.
  • Watch for the ICS-205 that will contain the frequencies for the SET. Then, program your equipment as appropriate.
  • Examine your ability to operate on emergency power.
  • Saturday morning, Oct 7, follow the check-in processes as the SET unfolds, starting at 0900. All NCOs must check in on the staging net at 0900.
  • ARES OK officers are also welcome to check in and participate.
  • ARES Tulsa volunteers should make every effort to participate.
  • Questions?  Please email me at

Paul H. Teel WB5ANX, EC Tulsa County
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
918-998-8032 (cell)
6100001096 (Hamshack Hotline)

SM038 – W1AW/5 – Oklahoma

As a part of the Year of the Volunteer celebration, the mystical callsign W1AW will be traveling to the corners of ARRL-land. ARRL members in each state/territory will be asked to operate their stations for two different weeks using the callsign W1AW/x where x is one of the local regions: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, KL, KH0, KH2, KH6, KH7, KH8, KP2, KP3, or KP4. For example, Oklahoma’s second week is running now and runs through August 22, 2023, at 2359z, using the callsign W1AW/5. You can operate on time/band/mode slots throughout the week, and hams will be able to operate their stations using W1AW/. Sign up for a space today at

Traveling W1AW rules include:

  • Remember that each operator must follow the rules for their license class. Stay in the sub-bands that you’re legally allowed to operate in.
  • Operators do not need to be at the same site.
  • Members that contact the Traveling W1AW stations will receive 5 points.
  • Each band/mode combination can be activated simultaneously. For example, N5OP could be working on 20 M SSB, N5OK could be working on 20 M CW, N5AZQ could be working on 20 M FT8, and N5HZR could be on 40 M SSB, all at the same time.
  • The state weekly assignments are shown below in the W1AW/ Schedule area below.
  • State operations start at 0000z each Wednesday.
  • State operations stop at 2359z the following Tuesday.
  • Operations should not happen on the 12 M, 17 M, 30 M, or 630 M bands.
  • All logs for the week should be consolidated into one ADIF file so the folks at ARRL HQ can load them into LoTW. The page is the OK schedule.

Sign up today, and see you on the air!!!


Send something that your club is doing well to me, and we’ll submit it to the ARRL club newsletter and the ARRL club newsletter. Our Oklahoma Affiliated Club Coordinator, Jim Shideler W5JCS, can help you find a club or help your club become affiliated. We currently have 39 clubs listed at Look for a club near you, or verify that your club is on the list. Send Jim an email at if you need club assistance.

ARRL Oklahoma is On The Web



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73, de N5HZR — Stand by, more follows…

SM037 – OKC Ham Holiday Hamfest July 28/29 – This Weekend

This weekend is central Oklahoma’s Hamfest, Ham Holiday This two-day hamfest is at the Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC) campus at 7777 S May, Oklahoma City, OK. This campus is on the southwest corner of Oklahoma City, just east of the Will Rogers airport.

On Friday, vendors and flea market table holders will set up their wares from noon to 3:00 pm. The doors will open to the public from 3:00 pm until the banquet begins at 6:30 pm. On Saturday, the building will open for setup at 7:00 am, and the doors will be open to the public from 8:00 am to the show’s end at 3:00 pm. The Hamfest schedule is listed on the Ham Holiday Schedule page

There will be a 6:30 pm Friday banquet to feed and entertain the hams in attendance. They will have a served buffet consisting of Chicken Marsala with mashed potatoes, green beans, a side salad, dinner rolls, cobbler, lemonade, tea, and water. This year the featured speaker will be Joe Eisenberg K0NEB, also known as “The Cat In The Hat” from the Dayton Hamfest and beyond. This banquet is a great place to visit with your fellow hams and the regional, state, and local ARRL leadership present. The banquet information is on the banquet page at

After the Friday banquet at 8:30 pm will be the Wouff Hong ceremony for ARRL members. Register for this short presentation at to ensure your certificate will be printed and waiting for you. This free ceremony is for all ARRL members.

There is a raffle for a $3,000 Icom 705 package. This package includes everything you need to operate HF, VHF, and UHF, right out of the box. Antennas, coax, radio, extra carrying handles, antenna analyzer, Begali Morse Code key, and more. Details are available at

The Oklahoma City Hamfest will have another large group of forums to learn about amateur radio, the ARRL, ARES, AUXCOM, TV Weatherman Aaron Brackett, and more. These forums are detailed on the web page.

This year, OCCC will open its cafeteria on Friday until 4:00 pm, and the Cafe & Coffee shop operating hours will be from 7:30 am to 2 pm on Saturday.
The cafe will sell the items below for Breakfast;
• Breakfast burritos
• Breakfast Sandwiches
• Biscuits and Gravy single and double
• Breakfast Combo, scrambled eggs, two bacon or sausage, biscuit, and a fountain drink
• All retail items and beverages will be available.

And for lunch, they will have the following options:

• Cheese Burger, Fries, and Fountain Beverage Combo
• 2 Slices of Pizza and Fountain Beverage Combo
• 1 Chili Cheese Hot Dog, Fries, and Fountain Beverage Combo
• 2 Chili Cheese Hot Dogs, Fries, and Fountain Beverage Combo
• Build Your Own Nachos with Fountain Beverage Combo
• 2 Tacos, Rice, Beans, and a Fountain Beverage Combo

See you there!

SM036 – Oklahoma QSO Party This Weekend

The 2023 Oklahoma QSO Party is this weekend, on March 11th and 12th. This will run from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm on Saturday and from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on Sunday, Oklahoma time. Note that Daylight Savings Time starts this weekend. If you are an Oklahoma station, please consider going mobile this year to help get all 77 counties on-the-air in a big way!! Connie Marshall K5CM has all the details on his OK QSO party web page. Grab your HF radio and get on-the-air.