The Elk City Oklahoma Hamfest means that spring is on the way! On March 2nd, 2024, this western Oklahoma (and Texas panhandle and western Kansas) hamfest will be held at the Beckham County Activity Center at 310 East Main Street in Sayre, OK. Take exit 23 off of I-40 and head west on Hwy 152 for approximately 1 mile. The club has a flyer available at this link.
The doors are open Saturday from 8:00 a.m. until ??? Coffee, soft drinks, and snacks will be available.
Admission is $10.00 and includes one flea market table. Additional tables are available for $5.00 each. No pre-registration is required. Pay at the door.
Early setup is available on Friday afternoon (3/1/2024) from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
VE Testing is available on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. You must have a Federal Registration Number (FRN), a license copy, and a valid email. Pre-registration is encouraged online at this link. There is no fee for the exam.
Plenty of parking is available at the hamfest site, but no RV hookups are available there.
For more information, visit the club’s page at
Contact: or 580-243-9848.
Talk-in on the 146.76 –offset 88.5 tone repeater or DMR on the 147.225 +offset CC1 TG 304098 machine.
See you there!