The ARRL consists of 71 areas that are either states or subsections of states that we call ARRL Sections. These sections are used to deliver local services to ARRL members. For example, this website is dedicated to the ARRL members in the Oklahoma Section which is led by ARRL Oklahoma Section Manager Mark Kleine N5HZR. To manage a state with a larger volume and geography they are broken up into multiple sections per state. Texas is broken up into three sections, North Texas, South Texas, and West Texas.
The ARRL groups multiple sections into one of 15 divisions, with each led by an elected ARRL Board Member, called the ARRL Division Director. These divisions are shown in the map below.

West Gulf Division
Sections: North Texas · Oklahoma · South Texas · West Texas
John Robert Stratton N5AUS
PO Box 2232
Austin, TX 78768
Vice Director:
Lee H. Cooper, W5LHC
2507 Autrey Drive
Leander, TX 78641
John is on the ARRL Executive Committee and is a member of the new Emergency Communications – Field Services Committee. John has an Aerospace Engineering Degree and a Law Degree from a little school south of Dallas. John had some great information about the happenings at ARRL.
ARRL Directors and Vice Directors are hard-working volunteers and are elected every three years for our division by the ARRL members in Oklahoma and Texas.
Director Video Presentations
Our Oklahoma/Texas ARRL West Gulf Division Director John Stratton N5AUS spoke at a recent South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) meeting. The video presentation is available at
West Gulf Division Website
The ARRL West Gulf Division web page is located at