Your Home For Amateur Radio in Oklahoma
Latest Posts from OK Section Manager Mark Kleine N5HZR
- SM045 – Field Day is Coming!!!
- SM044 – ARRL Digital Infrastructure Issues
- SM043 – Checotah Hamfest Today
- SM042 – The Board is Back In Town
- SM041 – Ham Scholarships Available
West Gulf Division Director John Stratton N5AUS
Our Oklahoma/Texas ARRL West Gulf Division Director John Stratton N5AUS spoke at a recent SCARS meeting. The video presentation is available at
ARRL directors are hard-working volunteers and are elected every three years for our division by the ARRL members in Oklahoma and Texas.
Join the ARRL Today
An ARRL member helps to support the amateur radio hobby by shaping the Amateur Radio service today. If you consider yourself an active ham… you need ARRL now. If you are an ARRL member, thank you! If you are not presently an active ham… let the ARRL help you.
OK Winlink / NTS
SM Mark Kleine N5HZR talked about sending emails over amateur radio waves using the Winlink Protocol and using Winlink. Also, he talked about how the Oklahoma Section is using Winlink to send and receive National Traffic System (NTS) Radiograms in and out of the state. The video is available at Details are available at this OK.ARRL.ORG link.
20 Things You Can Do With the Oklahoma Link
Jeff Scoville AE5ME also gave a great presentation on 20 Things You Can Do with the Oklahoma Link. You can watch the video on your own time and catch up with the list of items Jeff describes. Join us on the air!
Winlink at Green Country Hamfest
Jeff Scoville AE5ME gave a great presentation on Winlink at the Green Country Hamfest. This video lets you watch the presentation on your own time. Join us for the fun of Winlink on HF, VHF, or the Internet.
Be A Ham!!!
Want to be an amateur radio operator? Want to learn more about electronics, or communications? Visit our “Be A Ham” page to find the steps you need to get your first license or to upgrade your license to the General or Amateur Extra level.