Welcome to the ARRL Oklahoma Section News. I’m Mark Kleine N5HZR and over the past 35+ years, I’ve been able to meet a good number of you at hamfests, club meetings, and special events. As I started this Section Manager journey during the past couple of weeks, I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting hundreds more of you via email, DMR, and Zoom. I want to thank all of the kind messages you all have extended to me during this transition time. And, I’m so grateful that you all have been so gracious with your time and future commitments. If we haven’t had the chance to meet, please feel free to send me an email.
I want to thank past Section Manager Kevin O’Dell N0IRW for his efforts over the years to build a better Oklahoma Section and for all he has done to smooth my entry into this new role.
New ARES Website
As luck would have it, we have implemented a new ARESOK.org website over the past few weeks, as well. Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) Section Emergency Manager Mark Conklin N7XYO, Paul Teel WA5ANX, Ben Joplin WB5VST, and I have worked to bring the new site to life and get 800 ARES members’ contact information transferred. Each existing ARES member received an email that welcomed them to the new site and provided their login credentials. If you haven’t logged back in, please visit ARESOK.org and click the forgot password button. If you haven’t already registered, do it today. Once you get logged in, you can see the contact information for your fellow county members. Also, take a look at the counties page to see if your Emergency Coordinator (EC) is listed. If you notice any members that are no longer involved with your ARES program or any other changes, please send me a message, and I will update the records. I want to thank Roland Stolfa KC5UNL for his efforts in providing and managing the ARESOK.org website over the past 15 years.
And So Much More
It’s a great time to be involved in Oklahoma amateur radio. Standby more follows…
73 Mark