‘Tis the Season
The end of the year brings a number of holidays that tend to make the time fly by faster each and every year. So, no matter what you celebrate, all of us that bring you the Oklahoma ARRL experience wish you the best. So, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy New Year, and all the rest to you and yours from the Oklahoma ARRL section.
And, many thanks from me to the hundreds of volunteers that make this process run smoothly. Without the help of the section leaders, ARES leaders, ARES volunteers, NTS Traffic Handlers, club leaders, hamfest organizers, net control operators, net participants, and others we wouldn’t have been able to make the waves that we have during 2021.
2021 Year-End Summary
The ARRL national organization is defined by the five pillars of public service, advocacy, education, technology, and membership. These tenants are used to define all of the activities that make up the organization’s tasks. Earlier this year I took a look at the five pillars and found that we would be able to support all of them by concentrating on the following five action groups; ARES, NTS, Clubs, Member Communications, and Outreach. Throughout the year each of those groups has had a lot of activity, and some of it is shown here:
ARES – Amateur Radio Emergency Service
- A new https://aresok.org website was unveiled to support the 800+ ARES members.
- An ARES OK Fall Summit was held on 10/23/2021 that had 30 ARES members in-person in Norman and 20 more that attended via Zoom and YouTube.
- We obtained several new Region Emergency Coordinators.
- We obtained about 20 new county Emergency Coordinators.
- Email communications were sent to the 800+ ARESOK contacts.
NTS – National Traffic System
- The National Traffic System in Oklahoma will be highlighted during the month of January. If you are interested in NTS, more information is available at https://ok.arrl.org/nts/
- HF Phone Nets are still going strong with the following schedule. More information is available at https://ok.arrl.org/ntsnets/
- Sunday 3900 08:00 local
- Sunday 3900 16:30 local
- Daily 7290 AM/PM
- New Tulsa Superlink UHF Night Net – More information is available at https://ok.arrl.org/ntslocal/
- Every Thursday 7:00 pm
- NTSOK Winlink is up and running on HF and VHF – More information is available at https://ok.arrl.org/ntsok/
- Send NTS messages to message to NTSOK
- The Oklahoma Section Affiliated Club Coordinator – Jim Shideler mailto:W5JCS@arrl.net
- We created a club leader email list
- The 39 clubs are listed at https://ok.arrl.org/clubs/
- A SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) club analysis tool is available at https://ok.arrl.org/clubtool/
- ARRL Club Newsletter started in November from ARRL HQ (first time since 2009). If you have any club information and pictures you would like to share, send them to mailto:clubs@arrl.org.
- ARRL Club news will start back up in QST as ‘strays’.
- All club contact information for each club was updated on ARRL.ORG
- A new national ARRL Club Funding program was announced at the Enid hamfest.
Member Communication
- The https://aresok.org site was updated.
- The https://ok.arrl.org web site was started. This site should be “THE” place to go for amateur radio information in the state. Wanna be hams, new hams, upgrading hams, and curious hams should find something to do here. Look here for clubs, testing sessions, classes, and more.
- The https://arrlok.blogspot.com, Facebook page, ARRL.org section page, and the Twitter page all receive Section Manager News about every fortnight.
- Postcards are sent monthly to the following groups of people. More information is available at https://ok.arrl.org/postcards/
- New FCC license
- Upgraded FCC license
- New ARRL member
- Lapsed ARRL members
- Oklahoma Memorial Marathon Communications
- Do-Wacka-Do Communications
- Tour de Tulsa Communications
- Cycle 66 Bike Communications
- Tulsa Makers Faire demonstration station
- Tulsa Channel 8 News report on Hurricane Ida preparations
- Lots of Field Day Stations and Field Day home stations
- City of Norman National Night Out demonstration station
- Westheimer Airport Open House demonstration station
- NIGHT, the movie – we assisted with a feature movie short
- ARISS – AMSAT school communication – Tecumseh, OK – K5TMS
- Emergency Preparedness – Norman Sooner Mall demonstration station
- Full blown Elk City Hamfest
- Full blown Enid Hamfest
And, all of this happened during the international pandemic. Next year should allow even more activities.
Summary Numbers
This year in the state of Oklahoma, we welcomed 394 new Technicians, 137 upgraded licensees, and 413 new ARRL Members. This resulted in an increase in ARRL Membership of 87 (+5.1%), to over 1,800. We recently added three new clubs that will be detailed soon!
1,051 postcards were sent to the new hams, upgraded hams, and new ARRL members.
There are currently 832 ARES Oklahoma members.
— See you next year!!!
ARRL Oklahoma is On The Web
- OK.ARRL.ORG — https://ok.arrl.org/
- ARESOK — https://aresok.org/
- ARRL.org — http://www.arrl.org/sections/view/oklahoma
- Blogspot — http://arrlok.blogspot.com/
- Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/arrloklahoma
- Twitter — https://twitter.com/arrl_OK/
- ARRL Member Emails — https://www.arrl.org/myarrl-account-management#!/edit-info-email_subscriptions
JOIN/RENEW ARRL NOW — http://arrl.org/join/
73, de N5HZR — Stand by, more follows…
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