Submitted by Paul H. Teel WB5ANX, Emergency Coordinator - Tulsa County
ARES Tulsa County will conduct the annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on Saturday, October 7, 2023, from 0900 – 1200. We will have multiple ways for everyone to participate in Tulsa and Rogers Counties and around the state.
The objectives are to test communication skills during emergency power conditions, Net Control Operations (NCO) management of resources, stress accuracy in message passing, and to have some fun, all with a scenario ripped from recent headlines.
Included in this year’s SET;
- VHF/UHF FM operations,
- Simultaneous operations on various nets requiring multiple NCO’s,
- Joint exercise with Rogers County,
- Winlink and NTS message traffic (multiple nodes for access, also HF operations for long haul),
- DMR on talk group 3140 statewide,
- Oklahoma link (which is also available on DMR TG 341022),
- Hospital Net (Tulsa only),
- Pilot programs of new ways to send digital pics of damage assessments to the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) (if you are interested in this mode, let me know)
- Using ICS and NTS forms.
How do you prepare?
- To participate in the Winlink portion of the exercise, email Jeff Scoville AE5ME, at by September 29.
- Check your equipment and software to prepare you for Winlink and NTS message traffic.
- Watch for the ICS-205 that will contain the frequencies for the SET. Then, program your equipment as appropriate.
- Examine your ability to operate on emergency power.
- Saturday morning, Oct 7, follow the check-in processes as the SET unfolds, starting at 0900. All NCOs must check in on the staging net at 0900.
- ARES OK officers are also welcome to check in and participate.
- ARES Tulsa volunteers should make every effort to participate.
- Questions? Please email me at
Paul H. Teel WB5ANX, EC Tulsa County
Amateur Radio Emergency Service
918-998-8032 (cell)
6100001096 (Hamshack Hotline)
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